Improve up to 35% a heating and air conditioning system's efficiency, reduce a system's energy costs by hundreds of dollars, and enjoy much cleaner Air...
...with revolutionary technology from eGreen Technologies!
Did you know that:
Most of the 90-million home heating & air conditioning (HVAC) systems in the U.S. waste on average over 2280 kWh of electrical energy per year...enough energy loss to power 17-million additional homes.
Further, these airflow systems waste up to 5 times the amount of energy used by other home appliances.
- HVAC systems also notoriously generate up to 6 times more germs, allergens and toxins than any other source in our homes.
Breakthrough Technology Offers Drastic Savings in Energy Costs, Cleaner Air
The Everclean Green Mark IV can convert any HVAC system to "self-cleaning," and the Perma-Clean Mark II, self-cleaning filter rarely, if ever, has to be cleaned or replaced.
The dual process technology of broadband Electromagnetic and Hydroxide in both the Mark II and Mark IV is specifically designed to improve the performance of any HVAC system up to 35%, while cleaning the equipment and freeing the airflow of toxins, dust, mold, viruses and bacteria. Not only does this mean healthier indoor air, but a clean system that uses less energy and is much more efficient.
Saving Energy In Our Homes and Businesses |
Converting any HVAC system to "Self-Cleaning" |